How to lose weight: 8 foods nutritionists say can ‘burn’ belly fat

The calorie content of the food and drink we consume is largely responsible for weight, and when consumption outweighs the number of calories burned, it leads to weight gain.
Men should aim for 2,500 calories per day for optimal health, while women should target 2,000. However, this recommendation varies based on age, metabolism, and activity levels.
Reducing calorie intake can aid weight loss, but so can consuming certain fat-burning foods and beverages.
For those looking to shed pounds “safely”, nutrition gurus at Holland and Barrett have revealed a few food items that could “help burn belly fat”.
It comes as no surprise that leafy green vegetables are on the list, but other weight-loss-accelerating foods may surprise you.
This leafy green is rich in a long-chain sugar molecule known as sulfoquinovose (SQ), which can “help keep the stomach trim”.
A study published in Nature Chemical Biology suggests that SQ encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, preventing harmful bacteria from dominating the gut and leading to inflammation and belly fat.
Packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can help diminish inflammation and belly fat. This nutrient functions by boosting levels of the hormone adiponectin, which “supports metabolism and burns fat”.
The naturally oily fish can be purchased in many different forms, but wild-caught salmon is generally considered the best type of salmon for weight loss because it has fewer calories and less fat than farmed salmon.
Eggs are protein powerhouses, keeping you satiated for longer periods and reducing the likelihood of snacking between meals. A large egg typically contains around 78 calories and 6g of protein.
However, eggs are only as healthy as how you choose to serve them. To minimise added fat, you can boil or poach eggs, use spray oils, or wipe the pan with a small amount of oil. Fried eggs are best avoided if it means adding extra fats like butter to the pan.
This fruit is brimming with monounsaturated fats that can “curb appetite and prevent belly fat” accumulation. What’s more, avocados contain three grams of fibre per serving, which is 11 percent of your daily value. Fiber slows digestion, which can help you feel full longer and prevent overeating.
Black beans
A staple in Mexican cuisine, black beans are beneficial to gut bacteria that feed on the soluble fibre present in black beans, converting it into butyrate. According to the experts, “this chemical has been proven to increase calorie burning in studies carried out on mice”.
Sweet potatoes
Rich in plant-derived antioxidants called carotenoids, these potatoes help stabilise blood sugar levels, which in turn can “prevent calories from being converted into belly fat”, as noted by nutrition experts.
The oats in porridge are rich in a soluble fibre called beta-glucans, which forms a gel-like substance in the small intestine. This gel helps lower blood cholesterol levels, supports immune function, promotes feelings of fullness, and regulates blood glucose levels.
As a valuable addition to a weight loss diet, plums contain phenolic compounds known as flavonoids, which have “fat-fighting” properties. Plums are also rich in pectin, a gelatin-like fibre that has been shown in animal studies to reduce liver fat (belly fat) and inhibit the absorption of fat cells.