Fitness class in Medicine Hat promotes ’empowering beliefs’ through rebound excercise

Samantha Knibbs, personal trainer with SKFitness, said that with her sessions, she wants to switch limiting beliefs into those that are empowering.
““A lot of the work that we do is mindset based,” she said.
“We work a lot with individuals who have these limiting beliefs, and we go over strategies to switch them over to empowering beliefs,” she added.
“Changing that perspective within themselves, and working through these sessions in order to help push them past these limiting beliefs.”
Knibbs said she asks her clients where their limiting beliefs are coming from. If they don’t know yet, “it’s all part of the journey, and all part of the process.”
Engaging in Rebounding can also work multiple muscle groups, turning every jump into a full-body workout.
The act of jumping also releases endorphins, neurotransmitters produced in the brain to improve mood and enhance feelings of well-being.
Ashley Mitchell, a participant in the classes, said that she likes the accountability the community brings.
“I like the way that Sam builds her community, and the accountability that everybody within her community has for each other,” she said.
“The health benefits were part of the draw, or part of what has kept me going with it as well.”
Mitchell said that physical activity is needed to help with lymphatic circulation and movement.
She said she had surgery that involved removing lymph nodes, part of the body’s immune system that require movement to function.
“This seemed like a way funner thing to do than go and sit in a physiotherapy clinic,” she said.
“It got me out. It helps with mood, with being around people, forcing myself to get out and help with the emotional and mental stress of all the health things that I was going through at the time.”
Laurie Bouchard, another participant, said that there are physical benefits but also mental as well.
She said that it can help someone out of a rut, or with anxiety that they may be experiencing.
“You are putting yourself out there. It definitely is out of your comfort zone,” she said.
“There is that reward of ‘I did that. I got out of my comfort zone and did that, and kept going’,” she added.
“Even learning certain moves eventually, you’re like, ‘I got it’.”
Knibbs said that Rebound classes are good for any fitness level.
Participants can do the class in modified ways and still get good results.
She said that finding a community is an important step to believing in your ability.
“Just believing that you can. And if you don’t believe, then I have the belief in you that you are able to,” she said.
“That’s why finding a community of like-minded individuals is so important,” she added.
“Providing that support and just giving it a try. You never know how you’re going to like it or if you are, if you don’t give it a try.”